
Artists of Bristol meets monthly, on the second Wednesday of the month, at 7 pm, at the Silver Lake Nature Center, 1306 Bath Road, Bristol, PA.  After our business meeting, we typically have presentations by members or visiting artists, or hands-on creative activities.  Meetings are open to the public, and we encourage interested artists, art lovers, or others to come to a meeting and meet us!

" There are so many examples throughout history of artists who found 

themselves when they became part of a community of other artists."  --Daniel Gregory

Upcoming Meetings

    June 12. Deborah Eater will give the presentation 

    July 10. Meeting Wednesday at 6:00 pm SUMMER SOCIAL--- our picnic at Silver Lake

     August 14. Presentation by Bob Seufert

     September 11. Dan Mullen (Metal Sculpturer) will give a presentation

     October 9. Jina Dieroff will give the presentation

     November 13. Marty Shively lead an entertaining and educational game of Guess the Artist 

     December 11.  Artist of Bristol's annual Holiday Party held at Silver Lake